MAYFIELD Triad Skull Clamp

This cranial clamp provides 3-point rigid fixation as well as visual indication of the clamping force on the three skull pins. The force of the three pins can be adjusted. The equal impingement of pins allows for firm skill fixation and positioning. Bent or dull pins should be replaced. Failure to read the instructions and follow them may result in patient injury. Only validated products from Mayfield should be used in conjunction with the cranial clamp. Skull pins are not recommended for use on small children. The choice of whether or not to do so is at the discretion of the user. Extreme caution is advised.

Provides 3-point rigid cranial fixation. 

  • Provides visual indication of clamping force on ALL THREE skull pins
  • Ability to adjust the force on ALL THREE skull pins
  • Equal impingement of pins ensures firm skull positioning and fixation

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